Nutri-Q FAQ

  • Updated

Is Nutri-Q HIPAA Compliant?

Yes! The site is HIPAA Compliant. Also we encrypt all personally identifiable data at rest and during transfer between the database and the website. Overall, any information that your clients or patients enter is just shared between you and them.

What other languages are available? Can you send a NAQ in Spanish or French?

The NAQ questionnaire is available in Spanish and French. To send a Spanish or French NAQ, all you need to do is assign a NAQ to a Direct Link Client. If the default language in their web browser is set to either Spanish or French then they will automatically see all of the NAQ questions, along with all other text on the site, in the appropriate language.

If you haven’t used Direct Link Clients before, you can watch this video for an overview: Nutri-Q: Direct Link Clients

Our non-English-speaking clients will most likely already have their browsers set to their preferred language. If not, however, there is also a drop-down that allows them to change the language when they first bring up a Direct Link NAQ. (Using this drop-down is a great way for you to see the NAQ in these other languages yourself as well if you don’t want to update the default language in your browser.)

Currently, these language options just apply to the client’s view for Direct Link NAQs. The practitioner site, along with the client site for non-Direct-Link clients, the Initial Interview Questionnaire, and the Mini Questionnaire are all only in English.

What’s the difference between a ‘Full Account’ client and a ‘Direct Link’ client?

Full Account ClientsThese clients will set up an account on the site by choosing a login email and password. Once they’ve logged onto the site they will be able to log their foods/feelings and complete any To-Do items that you’ve assigned to them. They will also have access to their completed To-Do items after they have been submitted.

Direct Link ClientsThese clients will not set up a Nutri-Q account. Instead you will send them direct links to the To-Do items that you’d like them to complete. They will not have access to the site other than these To-Do items and they will not need to enter any login information. This option is best for the following situations:

  • If you don’t want your client to have access to the food/feeling log.
  • If you want your clients to go directly to their To-Do item(s) without having to create a login for the site.

View the Direct Link Clients article for more details

How do I work with multiple people in a family that share one email address?

This isn’t a problem at all! You would just set up a separate client account for each member of the family as you normally would, only you would use the same exact email address for each one of them. A signup link will be sent to the email address for each family member. The first link that they click on will have them choose a password as they normally would. When they click on an invite link for another family member it will just confirm that they want to use that same email address (which they do) and then it will have them log in using the same email/password combination that was set up originally. Then every time they log in they will just choose which profile they want to use (which family member they are logging in for) and they can always switch between the profiles by clicking on the icon in the top right corner and choosing ‘Switch Profile’.

One important thing is that if your client is currently logged into Nutri-Q then they need to log out before they click on the new invite link from you. (They can log out by clicking on the icon in the top right corner and then choosing ‘Log Out’ in the drop down.)

Note: This is all in regards to Active Clients that log into Nutri-Q. Direct Link Clients simply receive emails with links to To-Do Items so they never set up logins for the site. There is also no issue at all with using the same email for multiple Direct Link Clients.

My client already has a Nutri-Q account with a different practitioner. What should I do?

This isn’t a problem at all! You would just set up an account for this client as you normally would and it’s perfectly fine to use the exact same email that they used with the other practitioner. A signup link will be sent to your client as it normally would. When they click on your invite link and enter the email that corresponds to their existing Nutri-Q account the system will see that they already have a client account tied to another practitioner. It will then link their existing account to you as well by creating a new profile. Then the client will be able to toggle between their profiles on the site (one profile for each practitioner that they’re working with). And every time they log in they will just choose which profile/practitioner they want to see. They can always switch between the profiles by clicking on the icon in the top right corner and choosing ‘Switch Profile’.

One important thing is that if your client is currently logged into Nutri-Q then they need to log out before they click on the new invite link from you. (They can log out by clicking on the icon in the top right corner and then choosing ‘Log Out’ in the drop down.)

Note: This is all in regards to Active Clients that log into Nutri-Q. Direct Link Clients simply receive emails with links to To-Do Items so they never set up logins for the site. There is also no issue at all with Direct Link Clients working with multiple Nutri-Q practitioners.

What are bounced emails & how do I fix them?

Bounced emails are emails that we tried to send but that were rejected by a mail server. This usually happens due to an incorrect email address that doesn’t exist. When an email bounces we will notify you about it in the ‘Recent Events’ module on the dashboard:

In the example above, the site tried to send an email to ‘’ and it bounced. To fix this, first locate the client with this email. To do this, you’ll go to the ‘My Clients’ tab, click on ‘Reset all filters’ at the bottom (to make sure you’re are searching across all of your clients) and then put the email address in the search box:

Now you would update this client’s email with the correct email address. Updating a client’s email is different depending on the Client Type:

  • Unlinked & Direct Link Clients - If the client is an Unlinked or Direct Link client, you can update their email by clicking on their name and then clicking on the ‘Info & Settings’ tab. Then under the ‘Client Information’ section click the ‘Edit Client Information’ button and you can change their email address.
  • Active Clients - For Active Clients, we send emails to the login email that the client has chosen, so it’s not something that the Practitioner can update. You’ll need to reach out to your client and let them know they need to update their login email. (There is most likely a typo in the login email that they have chosen.) They can update their login email by logging into the site, clicking on the icon in the top right corner, and then choosing ‘My Account’. Under ‘Account Information’ they can click on the ‘Update log in email or password’ link to update their login email.

I use both Practice Better and Nutri-Q. How can I link the two platforms?

If you have accounts with both Nutri-Q and Practice Better, you can now link your accounts so that you have a more seamless experience for you and your clients! Once you link your Nutri-Q and Practice Better accounts, you’ll be able to assign NAQs to your clients from within Practice Better. And when your client then completes the NAQ, the reports will automatically be uploaded into Practice Better. View the Practice Better Integration Guide.

I’m a course mentor or group leader for the NTA. When will I receive my free Nutri-Q benefit?

Once you complete your current course mentor or group leader class and commitments, the NTA will provide us with a list of all of the course mentors and we’ll automatically add a free year to your account at that time. (It can take about a month after your class finishes for us to get the list since classes will be completing at slightly different times.) We’ll be sending you an email to notify you after your free year has been added.

How do I create and assign a Disclaimer form to my client?

Our general recommendation is for practitioners to create their own disclaimer form under the “My Forms” section and then you’ll be able to customize it and assign it to your clients as a To-Do item.

To do this, you would create a new custom form by clicking on “Docs & Forms” in the main navigation and then choose the “My Forms” option, pick “Create a new form” then “Create a new blank form”. Give the new form a title and click “Insert a new question” and select “Disclaimer” as the question type (see the image below). Then you can paste in the text you see fit from the NTA’s example disclaimer ( or a different disclaimer you feel more comfortable with.

How do I check when my trial ends or when my next payment is?

You can always check on any account/subscription related information on your “My Account” page. To find this page, click on the icon in the top right corner and choose “My Account”. Then choose the “Subscription Information” link.

Is the Nutri-Q site mobile friendly?

Yes! We don’t have an app right now, but the site is mobile friendly so you can easily bring it up on your phone or tablet.

How do I change my login email?

To change your login email use the following steps:

  1. First click on the icon, which is located to the right of the menu headers.
  2. Then choose the “My Account” option.
  3. You’ll already be in the “Account Information” section, which is the one you’ll want.
  4. Choose the “Update login email or password” link located at the bottom of the “Account Information” section.
  5. You can then update the email that you use when logging into the site in the “Update Login Email” section.

Why does the symptom burden chart sometimes go above the top of the chart?

We’ve added functionality to provide a sense of how far above the high priority section your client’s value falls. We now extend above that top line with an additional light gray bar and an exclamation point. This way, even if your clients symptoms are still numerous to the point where they are off the chart, you will still be able to visually see and show them their improvement and changes over time.

Please note that we did not use the same scaling above the chart that we did within the chart. In some cases the possible score is so far above the chart that the chart would potentially be very difficult to view and print. We settled for a compromise where the area above the chart is a scaled down representation of the extended value.

This is great! But I really wish the site also did these additional things or was changed in this way.

We love hearing feedback! There’s a Feedback fly-out in the bottom left corner of the Nutri-Q site that you can use, or you can contact from your email client or from the Contact Support form below.